Starting a new project

I’m blowing the dust off of an old project idea, and I’m finding the many development options avaialable pretty overwhelming. I’m so used to writing code in a preexisting codebase that having the option to choose anything I want and the options themselves feel like a lot for me to sift thorough right now. It’s like trying to pick a brand of toothpaste at the grocery store.
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What’s the plan here, folks?

About 10 years ago I used to blog a lot - not about technology or programming, but about baking, actually. I still bake, though I haven’t written about it in years. During that time I learned a lot about baking (obviously), writing, and bit of general photography (gotta have those hot hot baking pics), but I eventually ran out of time to bake as frequently, and thus, writing as much about baking.
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