NextJS 13+ Route Grouping for Separate Layouts

I’m onto my second set of video lectures on using NextJS 13+ (again, I’ll plug Frontend Masters, which I love, and Scott Moss’s well laid-out teaching style). Recently the concept of route grouping clicked in my brain, so I thougt I’d share it here. As I mentioned in my initial post on NextJS, routing is handled via directory structure (very cool, easy to understand, big fan). Additionally, your project also requires a root layout file that indicates the…well, layout of all child pages.
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Learning NextJS

So NextJS is essentially opinionated React…plus? Okay, I’m listening. I’m running through a great Frontend Masters class to learn the basics of the latest version of NextJS (that’d be 13, with the introduction of the new app directory and removal of the pages directory). It’s been awesome (Scott Moss is not only a great instructor but is a really smart dude in general - check out his LinkedIn someime), but some of the latest changes in the 13+ version of NextJS have made even the latest class already be a touch out of date (example: the head file discussed in the class no longer exists in 13.
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Starting a new project

I’m blowing the dust off of an old project idea, and I’m finding the many development options avaialable pretty overwhelming. I’m so used to writing code in a preexisting codebase that having the option to choose anything I want and the options themselves feel like a lot for me to sift thorough right now. It’s like trying to pick a brand of toothpaste at the grocery store.
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